Perfecting the car buying journey

Read our latest white paper

Virtual, human, or the best of both worlds?

In a relatively short time, the automotive industry has seen mobility transformations that have challenged the entire concept of vehicle ownership and introduced new opportunities from car sharing to autonomous robo-taxis. With so many options available, consumers’ expectations for flexibility and convenience have soared, attracting new players the world over. MSX’s white paper explores some of the ways car brands are luring back customers with digital tools and touchpoints that aim to provide highly engaging experiences.

What we investigated

With new sales strategies that include direct-to-consumer and agency models, automotive manufacturers have taken on a whole new level of responsibility, not least of which is managing customer expectations. As more consumers turn to car brand websites or social media platforms to research, buy, lease, or subscribe to their next vehicle, brands are offering an increasing number of digital channels to support their decisions.

Because there’s so much riding on brands’ digital retail offerings, MSX decided to investigate the digital channels and virtual connections that car manufacturers are making available on their websites or on social media. We wanted to know, how effective are they? Do the strategies of traditional OEMs differ from those of EV-only brands and new mobility disruptors? Are consumers comfortable using 100% virtual or online experiences, or do they prefer some human interaction to complete their buying journey, and how does this vary from one market to the next? Perhaps most importantly, are OEMs, as retailers, offering platforms people actually want to use?

How we looked for answers

  • Tools offering 100% virtual experience, no human interaction.

  • Digital touchpoints allowing the customer to initiate contact.

  • Digital tools that support a live human interaction.

  • Links to social apps that host their own tools, touchpoints, and connections.

MSX engaged 70+ independent automotive and mobility experts to conduct extensive digital assessments. They examined and compared the presence of the listed channels across 12 global markets and 31 brands.

With a particular interest in channels that offer human interaction, we closely examined live virtual connections, such as live chat and live virtual showrooms, and tested brands’ delivery of the virtual showroom, from the booking process to the tour experience.

In a series of comprehensive consumer surveys, we asked people about their car buying journeys, such as what channels they prefer, how they feel about seamless transitions between touchpoints, and whether they would use live virtual connections.

Finally, we conducted multiple interviews with experts, including senior representatives of industry-leading brands, to find out what experiences are working, whether live human connections have a part to play in the virtual retail environment, and what the future holds.

What we discovered

Read the white paper to find out:

  • The interesting mix of digital retail channels OEMs are offering, which varies from one brand to the next. Is there a right or wrong combination?

  • How specific markets, especially China, are connecting with customers through alternative channels such as social media or messaging platforms. Do the buying habits of consumers here differ to those of other markets?

  • How customers drive the retail process and will continue to do so in future. What do they think about live virtual connections and when would they find them useful?

  • How live virtual showrooms measure up against other digital channels in terms of user experience.

  • Whether consumers think there’s a need for a seamless customer journey when moving from one touchpoint to the next.

  • What senior brand representatives and industry experts think about the value of customer experience and how their organizations are responding.

  • The ways in which live virtual connections can transform a buying journey.

  • The importance of a fully integrated consumer experience.

  • If human interaction is valuable to the digital buying journey and in what ways?

And much more.

Start reading today

Click below to download the full report, including comprehensive research on how live virtual connections are shaping mobility retail. Sign up to access the digital version of the white paper right here on your device by clicking here.